Oh, HAPPY DAY Christian Business Coach and Female Entrepreneur! Don’t you just love liberty? Are you ready for another and even DEEPER Level of Freedom?

I love when GOD gives a thought that breaks down walls and releases the chains of bondage, don’t you? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me this morning as I was in prayerful meditation, let me share.

I’m not going to lie. I woke up feeling a bit down today, a bit betrayed and a bit like throwing in the ‘business’ towel.

I have been in real estate for many years. I am pretty good at what I do. I have had success in sales and in flipping houses, but there is one area in sales I have always struggled with.

BETRAYAL! Or at least that is how it could feel to me if my friends or loved ones make their purchase or sale through another agent! Uhhhg! NOT COOL! But in all honesty, this is something that happens in everyone’s business at times.

Maybe you can relate?

Maybe, as a woman in business you have experienced a client who you felt a connection with, or maybe a loved one or friend that you have supported and served with all heart, and for some reason, they choose to support another person’s business or service over yours? To be honest, it can feel like a betrayal, or one could feel like they are not good enough, or they were not CHOSEN, and IT HURTS.

Today, I want to give you ONE KEY to financial freedom that will release you to be able to be wealthier, healthier and FREE! (This was such a joyful moment for me this morning! I couldn’t wait to share!)

The truth is, we have all suffered MONEY PAIN at some point in our lives. MAYBE it was of our own doing. We made a bad investment, or we were not wise in our financial planning. It could be that others have somehow hurt us financially, by choosing another coach, or real-estate agent, or product. Maybe they borrowed money and never paid it back? Either way, we can hold on to past money hurts and they can become chains that hinder our financial and business growth. Period.

To be FREE to SUCCEED, we must be FINANCIALLY FREE in our hearts.

HERE is the KEY I promised to give you. The KEY that will release you and allow you to begin to be financially prosperous on a whole new level.


~It’s time to FORGIVE YOURSELF for past money mistakes.

~FORGIVE OTHERS their debts.

WHATEVER money hurts you have had and HELD to this point, let them go.

BEGIN to build your business in true freedom.

So now lady, you are free… it’s time to build your financial freedom in the realm of true prosperity.


To your SUCCESS!

and P.s. Don’t forget to come and join our Facebook community to get support and encouragement as you grow your business for your increase and HIS Glory!



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