As a Christian business coach I love helping women cultivate, grow and live out there visions. I truly believe if we SEE it, WE CAN achieve it!!!
As business owners we know the way we start our day is going to affect our productivity so setting a vision for the day can be a helpful practice to getting more accomplished and thus setting us up for greater success.
I love the mornings when I wake up feeling hopeful and can see my next business steps! This morning I started out with a fresh vision for my business. I am thankful and determined. I CAN DO THIS!!!
Can you feel how empowering those words are?
As faith-based female entrepreneurs and business owners we are aware of the power of thought and the power of speech. Take a moment to think on this and ask yourself a few questions.
How are you looking at your business? What are you saying about it? Are you seeing your next steps? Are you confident that you know the way forward? And one final question… is your business growing?
Now that you have asked yourself these questions, you may need some help mapping out a plan for your business future. While it is fresh in your mind, take a few minutes and write out what you see for your day, your week and your month. I truly want you to succeed, and writing out your vision is the first step toward accomplishing it.
Remember, without a vision, the people perish. I have found this to be true in business as well.
NOW IS THE TIME. Write down the vision, map out a plan… and walk out your dream.
p.s. HAVE I told you lately how awesome you are??? Keep ROCKIN it!
YOUR Kingdom Focused Coach- Jill
p.s. If You haven’t already, come and join us in the free Facebook community where we are Supporting and Growing our business for our good and HIS GLORY!