Are you Experiencing Business Growing Pains?
Being a Christian Business Coach can be challenging. I must admit that even Faith Based Business can be difficult to grow, especially in the beginning.
When I started my coaching business, I didn’t realize the pain I would feel at times. Maybe you can relate?
There is the pain of INVESTMENT. OUCH! Wow, It hurts to have to put out money every month to grow your business, especially when it seems there is more going out then there is coming in!! Yet there is that necessary investment in every business, if we want our businesses to grow. There is no way to get around business costs! I like to call this SEED money.
Seed money is planting our money into things that will support a growing thriving business. What are those necessary tech pieces that we need to support an influx of leads and clients? What about the support system we need as sole proprietors and business owners? There seems to be so many things we need to invest in, but believe me, your business will benefit when you invest in the RIGHT programs and systems.
Then there is the PAIN of being at the TOP! Being a business owner, can be a lonely place to be. IF you want support, you have to PAY for it and business FRIENDS seem to be few and far between when you need someone to brainstorm with or support you in your woes!!! I have found a solution for this pain though… and I promise you, it works! AS a matter of fact, it is what caused me to START and RUN a successful growing business from DAY ONE! (I will share a bit more about that later, but for now let me just say… building business doesn’t have to be so LONELY!)
Lets see…. What other business pains are there?
Well, there is the PAIN of OVERSPENDING. This is personally a least favorite of mine! This is when you may have overspent on things you never really needed as you began to grow your business! IF this has happened to you, don’t linger in the sorrow. Forgive your own debts and move along. Again, this is a seed investment and may be one of the greatest lessons that very well may save you money in the future. YOU see? NOTHING is LOST!
Those are just a few BUSINESS pains you may have experienced in your business so far.
Don’t worry though! IT doesn’t always hurt so bad!
Here are some of the ways to avoid these Business Pains!
1.) When considering the costs, map out what is necessary for your business growth and forsake the rest!
2.) Hire a business coach that has been there and understands your goals. This one thing has helped me grow my business consistently. The investment is worth every penny!
3.) Surround yourself with like minded people. I suggest doing this through group coaching. There is nothing like being in a room filled with women LIKE YOU who are building business and pressing through the hard stuff to get results! This is the ONE WAY I have kept the PAIN of being AT THE TOP at BAY!
4) Take time to consult the Lord every morning. Surely HE will direct your business PATH.
5) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to a business friend and accept free support when its given. God will put people in our path to help encourage us along the way!
Be a purposeful Business BUILDER.
I believe in YOU!
Your Kingdom Focused Coach,
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